Great Brit Overview
Hi , this blog of mine will show a tremendous amount of useful information about Great Britain in the 19th Century. this is obviously an assignment and part of my grade for my 19th century Humanities class in school. For each artifact, i will relate to one of the 17 main topics below:
The Balance of Power: Rise and Fall of Empires
Human Movement and Migration
Communication and Transportation Revolutions
Invention, Ingenuity, and Entrepreneurship
Race Relations, The Abolition of Slavery, Segregation, and Anti-Semitism
Creation of the Modern Nation-State
The Construction of the Modern City: Urbanization
Evolution and issues of Religion and Science
The notion of the Frontier
Gender Roles and the Liberation of Women
Class Consciousness
Beginnings of Globalization through Imperialism
Building of the Modern Economy
The Universe as Seen through a Microscope
The Universe as Seen through a Telescope
The Human Mind
Human Expression through the Arts
Human Health
Check it out and be sure to comment!! XD
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