Sunday, October 31, 2010

Artifact 13: gapminder analysis

The Gapminder Analysis
1. Life expectancy at birth (years) vs. income per person (GDP/capita, inflation- adjusted $)
During the 19th century in Great Britain (from now on I’m going to call it GB), was quite low in both terms of life expectancy and income and with a small population, compared to our modern society. However, while being compared to other countries in Europe that are in the 19th century, GB fortunately has a higher range of life expectancy and the income per person. This explanation from the graph makes sense to me. During the 19th century, GB as in the process of industrialization revolution, with sub levels of the great urbanization, improvement in human health, human migration and expansion of entrepreneurs. Many entrepreneurs were flourished with wealth during that time and many people form other sides of the country migrate to the urban areas or cities such as London, the ‘magnet’ of the nation. While as people moved around the areas, people are able to get jobs and raise their family due to the economic upraises in urban areas. As more people are employed, and machines are used in factories, product were produced faster, therefore the price of the supplies decreases which causes keep up with growth of livestock of human beings.

2. CO2 emissions (tones per person) vs. income per person (GDP/ capita, inflation-adjusted$) 
from the 1820s
 GB had been ahead of most countries in the 19th century for its income per person and co2 emissions produced. Since the 1820s, after, and before, the industrial revolution took place in GB. It is relevant, according the graph and history; GB had produced abundant CO2 emissions during the 19th century. It was due to the urbanization in GB, many factories were built with lots of employees, which then cause pollutions, disrupting and changing the landscapes of the world.

3. Life expectancy at birth (years) vs. Children per woman (total fertility)
 Since the 1800s in GB, during the industrial revolution and after, the number of member s in each family reduces which then increases the number of longer lives. IN the early 1800s, there are more children in families in GB and as the process of the industrial revolution passes, families began to last longer. From the mid 1800s to the early 1900s, the number of family member reduces and the life expectancy began to rise. However, it is weird, the life expectancy suddenly drops from 1913 and lands to an end in 1918 and rises. This sudden drop of life expectancy was probably affected by a plague and the bloody wars, conflicts, and infections from the Great War.

1.          Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
2.          Which other main topics does it also relate to?
3.          Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
4.          What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
5.          Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
6.          . Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a)      Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b)      Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c)       Impact on your learning
d)      Level of creativity and originality
6. Any additional comments.

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